Women, Justice, Peace and Security

Monthly Action Points on Women, Peace and Securityngowg-logo-final-menu

The NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security has released the November 2017 version of our Monthly Action Points (MAP) on Women, Peace and Security for the UN Security Council.

For November, in which Italy has the presidency of the UN Security Council, the MAP provides recommendations on the situations in the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lebanon, Somalia, and Syria.

The MAP is a briefing note that provides analysis and advocacy entry points on country situations and thematic issues on the Security Council’s agenda for the forthcoming month. These briefs are designed for Security Council Members, civil society actors, Member States, and UN entities, and are for wide distribution. We look forward to your feedback and input.

Currently, the MAP is available in English: http://bit.ly/MAPNov2017


Pilot projet DRCongo: In Her Own Hands12sept2015-Folder Launch In Her Own Hands

In this pilot project, the Dutch Platform Tiye International and DRCC foundation, both made of women migrants high qualified, and NAP 1325 signatories, constitute a bridge between women leaders in the DRCongo and International Institutions for the implementation and the realization of the goals in the UNCR 1325.

Furthermore, they cooperate and lobby with several NGO, and institutions for the concretization of the project goals on the UNCR 1325 and women Empowerment in rural areas in post conflict zones of the DRCongo.

Dowmload the Newsletters with more information on this pilot project:

News letter Nr 1 IHOH

Niewsbrief 3 4 April Mei 2016


31 Maart 2017



EquinetEuropean Network of Equality Bodies, brings together 46 organizations from 34 European countries, which are empowered to counteract discrimination as national equality bodies across a range of grounds including age, disability, gender, race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, and sexual orientation.

Dutch Equinet member is the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights which explains, monitors and protects human rights, promotes respect for human rights (including equal treatment) in practice, policy and legislation, and increases the awareness of human rights in the Netherlands. https://mensenrechten.nl/



Internationale Vrouwendag 8 maart 2017


De Nederlandse Vrouwenraad (NVR) roept op om de komende verkiezingen op een lager op de lijst geplaatste vrouw te stemmen. Opvallend is dat er op die NVR-lijst van te kiezen vrouwen geen enkele zwarte vrouw staat.

Download hier de reactie van Tiye International , van Hellen Felter en van het Landelijk Platform Slavernijverleden en de Afro Europese beweging Sophiedela

Een afschrift van deze reacties is gestuurd naar de Ministers van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap en van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid.



Trevor Noah visits President Obama at the White House. President Obama talks about how he’s approached discussions on race during his time in office and reflects on the varying degrees of racism in America.


http://www.cc.com/video-clips/xn0lt9/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-barack-obama—navigating-america-s-racial-divide (7:09)


12 december 2016

Conferentie Learn, Participate & Connect: Decade for People of African Descent in het Postillion Convention Centre in Amsterdam

De Verenigde Naties (VN) hebben 2015-2024 uitgeroepen tot International Decade for People of African Descent (resolutie 68/237). Nederland staat achter deze resolutie. Daarom organiseert het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid deze conferentie die in het teken staat van kennis delen, empowerment, samenwerking en verbinding.

Download: Uitnodiging 12 december


23 november 2016

Bijdrage van Dr. Barryl Biekman UN CERD 91e sessie in Geneva

In haar bijdrage focusde Dr. Barryl Biekman op de Zwarte Piet Case in Nederland en de zaak van Sylvana Simons aan de orde telt.

Na haar statement complimenteerde een autoriteit van de Office of the High Commissioner of the Human Rights Barryl Biekman met de getoonde moed om deze case – zoals het wordt genoemd – aan de orde te stellen. Er is geschokt gereageerd op de case van Sylvana. Barryl Biekman is gevraagd om deze case naar de Office of the High Commissionar te sturen, hetgeen zij onmiddellijk heeft gedaan. Toegezegd is dat de case serieuze aandacht van de Office krijgt.

Download Statement Barryl Biekman: Written Contribution_dr Biekman_CERD_session_23 Nov_2016 and Ppt on Statement



IMMEDIATE RELEASE  European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI)

Brussels, 26/10/2016

European Parliament removes parliamentary immunity of two MEPs for inciting racial hatred

The European Parliament voted to remove the parliamentary immunity of the Northern League’s Mario Borghezio for racist comments made against former Italian integration minister and current MEP/Co-President of the European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) Cécile Kyenge and the former head of the Front National Jean-Marie Le Pen for hate speech.

Mr Borghezio, in an interview in April 2013, was ruled to have engaged in racist Afrophobic speech against the then Minister for Integration Cécile Kyenge during an interview on Radio24. According to the resolution, Mr Borghezio’s statements “exceeded the tone generally encountered in political debate and are, moreover, profoundly unparliamentary in nature and violated Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and were deemed not to have been made in the performance of the duties of a Member of the European Parliament.” Mr Borghezio will now go on trial at the Court of Milan where he faces charges of advocating ideas founded on superiority and racial or ethnic hatred, which is punishable under Article 1(a) of Italian Law No 205/1993.

Mr Le Pen is facing investigations over comments in a video from June 2014 in where he defended his far-right views against attacks from singers Patrick Bruel and Madonna and former tennis star Yannick Noah. In the video, Le Pen said, “Listen, we’ll just do an oven load next time” in reference to singers and tennis player’s backgrounds.

Cécile Kyenge, Co-President of ARDI, said: “A member of the European Parliament which shows such contempt and hatred because of the color of my skin has not only insulted me, but the values ​​of the European institutions. Every racist expression and incitement to hatred is by its very nature incompatible with the responsibilities that we are called to fulfill as MEPs. This is why the decision of the European Parliament gives an important signal that goes beyond my own personal situation: racism can never be an instrument of political campaigning.”

Soraya Post, Co-President of ARDI, said: “Hate crimes are clearly connected to and affected by political leadership. In the past years, there has been a constant stream of concerning comments from politicians across Europe, that fall short of the responsibilities they have as public figures and opinion leaders. I am pleased that the European Parliament voted in favour of removing parliamentary immunity and sent a strong signal to MEPs and society that incitement to racial hatred is unacceptable and will be punished.”

Michael Privot, Director of ENAR, said: “This is an important decision that shows the European Parliament is finally willing to take racist speech seriously. We have seen the very damaging impact racist discourses can have on migrants’ and ethnic minorities’ lives, for instance in the aftermath of Brexit. If politicians make comments that cross the line into incitement to hatred, they should be sanctioned. We now hope the European Parliament will make this standard practice and part of their rules, and that it will set the tone for national parliaments in upholding the fundamental values of the EU at the core of democratic debates.”


From the National Statement of the Dutch Government:  Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women by the NL Government (May 2014)


Fact Sheet Gender Equality and Institutional Mechanisms


Effectiveness of Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Gender Equality
Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States

This publication compares and presents the progress of Member States in the area of institutional mechanisms and gender mainstreaming since 2006 when the first report on institutional mechanisms was developed by the Finish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The main findings show that by 2012 all Member States had established governmental bodies for gender equality and bodies for the promotion of equal treatment on various grounds. Notwithstanding positive trends in institutional settings over the last decade, the bodies responsible for gender equality are often marginalised in national governmental structures; split into different policy areas; hampered by complex and expanding mandates; lack adequate staff, training, data and sufficient resources; and experience insufficient support from political leadership.

Related publications:

Main findings: Effectiveness of Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Gender Equality

Fact sheet: Gender equality and institutional Mechanisms

Read more

EU Indicators for the Beijing Platform for Action area H. Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women


“Combine The International Decade for People of African Descent Programme of Activities with The Post Beijing + 20 & Post-2015 Development Agenda”

Contribution by Dr. Barryl A. Biekman  on behalf of Tiye International & African European Women’s Movement “Sophiedela” at the Side Event CSW 59 UN Forum New York at Saturday, March 14, 2014 Global African Women

Barryl A.Biekman CSW59e Session 14_03_2015_SideEvent


Twenty years after the adoption of Beijing, this version of the Political Declaration is not what women need.


This statement of the Women´s Rights Caucus on the political declaration of the Commission on the Status of Women has  been signed by 974 organizations from everywhere around the world!

More information: http://www.wo-men.nl/statement-political-declaration-commission-status-women


8 June 2014 NGO CSW Forum, download: Letter to European members of Caucus

gender and race


Schaduwrapportage Dutch CEDAW Network juli 2012

Shadow report of the Dutch NGOs on the response of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the request of the Committee on the Elimination of  Discrimination against Women in its Concluding Observations (CEDAW/C/NLD/CO/5, para 52) to provide, within two years, information on the steps undertaken to implement the recommendations in paragraphs 27 and 29.  53rd session 1 – 9 October 2012

Download: 12 CEDAW Network Shadowreport NLD

Download: International And European Legal Instruments Relevant to Combating Racism


HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review The Netherlands 2008 en de reactie daarop van de Nederlandse overheid: National Interim Report The Netherlands 2010

Statement on the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action – 2 September 2011

The Committee strongly recommends that the high-level meeting of the General Assembly convened to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action:
a) reaffirm the Declaration and the Plan of Action adopted by the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban in 2001, as well as the outcome document of the Durban Review Conference of 2009;

b) reiterate the central role of the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination and of its Committee in combating racism and racial discrimination, as stressed by the Durban Documents;

c) urge States parties to fully implement the provisions of the Convention and call again for its universal ratification without reservations; and

d) send a strong message, reaffirming the political will of States to continue and strengthen their efforts towards building a world free from all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.




De juriste Margreet de Boer schreef een paper over de positie van zwarte, migranten en vluchtelingenvrouwen in het licht van het VN-Vrouwenverdrag.

Download: De positie van zmv vrouwen in het licht van het Vrouwenverdrag

(De integrale tekst van het Vrouwenverdrag (in NL en EN) vindt u onder de knop Mensenrechten en/of via de Search optie.)

Download: VN Vrouwenverdrag en Facultatief Protocol